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Thought for Today

Today is the best day to begin…the best opportunity for a new destiny.

If you believe that time has passed you by, your best days are behind you, or that somehow you’ve failed too many times to have another chance, nothing could be further from the truth.

Bible Podcast

Take 10 minutes every day and have the Bible read to you. In one year you will have read the whole Bible and your life will have dramatically been changed. 
That I can guarantee. 
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Thought for Today

Today is the best day to begin…the best opportunity for a new destiny.

If you believe that time has passed you by, your best days are behind you, or that somehow you’ve failed too many times to have another chance, nothing could be further from the truth.

Ponder on these statements:-

• The most important person to talk to everyday and all day is yourself, but be careful what you say because you will believe it!
• If you can find an excuse, don’t use it!
• Do not fear change, for it is a fact of life and the basis to progress!
• You can’t score a goal sitting on the sideline!
• Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up and get going again!
• A smile makes the whole world a different place!
• Do more for others than they ever expect from you!
• When you stretch the truth it will break you!
• Persistence prevails when all else fails!
• What you put off until tomorrow is likely to be never done!
• If you don’t know or understand, ask the question needed to get the right answer!
• Laziness travels so slowly poverty soon overtakes it!
• Hold firmly to a true and loyal friend!
• Make your own definition of success!
• Forgive in every situation!
• Help someone in need every day, and never expect any recognition!
• Opportunity is always where you are, never anywhere else!
• The Past is the Past and will never change, forget it and move on!
• Travel through life slowly and enjoy every moment to the full!
• Keep learning, keep progressing and always consider others more important than yourself!
• Whatever challenge is in front of you, climb over it no matter how hard or difficult it is, it’s there to teach you an important lesson!
• Know the real value of yourself and today!
• Never be afraid to take risks!
• Time is precious and the most valuable asset you have, don’t waste or squander it!
• Focus on the now and know peace!
• Dare to go further than you can see!
• See an obstacle as a golden opportunity!
• Build important values for yourself and never compromise them at any price!

If you have a one sentence statement to encourage living a valuable and enhanced life. Please post it to me so that I can add it to the above list.

Quote for Today

Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, What! You too? I thought I was the only one!

Mother Basilea Schlink’s Attitude for Today

When people criticize you justly, respond like the publican, humbling yourself beneath your sin, 'God be merciful to me, a sinner.' Then you will go forth justified, absolved from sin and declared righteous by God for time and eternity.

Proverb for Today

A lazy person will think he is smarter than seven men who can give good reasons for their opinions.

Word from Scripture for Today

I lift up my eyes to the hills — where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.


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